Sebastian Silva

Much like his cinematic works, Silva’s paintings and drawings serve as a medium for compassionate and witty storytelling. Inspired by his childhood fascination with classic cartoons, he has spent most of his life drawing and sketching.

Santiago de Chile, Chile, 1979
Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

Sebastian Silva is a Chilean filmmaker and artist. In 2021, Silva had his first solo exhibition with OMR in the gallery’s Bodega space. Titled The Elephant in the Room, the show signaled the filmmaker’s move into the public eye as a painter.

Much like his cinematic works, Silva’s paintings and drawings serve as a medium for compassionate and witty storytelling. Inspired by his childhood fascination with classic cartoons, he has spent most of his life drawing and sketching. The artist’s energetic works are distinguished by gestural brushwork and a distinctive abstract style, embracing the allure of curved lines and exaggerated forms. 

Sebastian Silva embarked on his filmmaking career in the early 2000s and has since directed and produced several critically acclaimed films, including “The Maid” (2009), “Nasty Baby” (2015), and “Rotting in The Sun” (2023). Standing out with their dark humor and unconventional sensibility, his films explore themes of identity, sexuality, and societal norms. Silva has won various awards, including the Best Director award for “Rotting in The Sun” at the Champs-Élysées Film Festival in 2023, as well as the Directing Award for “Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus” at the Sundance Film Festival in 2013. 

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