Artur Lescher
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September 24, 2011
November 10, 2011

Galería OMR is pleased to present Meta-métrico, the first solo exhibition in Mexico of the renowned Brazilian artist Artur Lescher (São Paulo, 1962). The show focuses on a comprehensive selection of his sculptures, showcasing works that attest to his constant experimentation with materials, their physical qualities, and the characteristics of objects.

Through his works, the artist makes a constant reference to natural elements. When reproduced impeccably by means of industrial processes, they both reveal and deny these real allusions. The works of the Metaméricos series are linear sculptures made of wood segments and metal hinges that can take on many configurations and positions in space. Evoking the possibility of the fluidity of matter, the artist creates convertible joints that incorporate the complicity of the viewer in order to be modified.

Another key component in Lescher's body of work is architecture, both in synthesis and in context. In an exercise in abstraction, three installations were specially created for the exhibition. The artist adopts the spatial situations to transform the corners, walls, and doors of the gallery for the large-scale sculptures. His works emerge subtly as poetic gestures in space, transmitting force and instability, balance and movement, tension and silence. The functionality of the object ceases to exist; it is neutralized, and the possibilities of interpretation and meaning find multiplied space.

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