Pia Camil
Ríe ahora, llora después
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February 4, 2020
April 4, 2020

As part of her second solo exhibition at OMR, titled Ríe ahora, llora después [Laugh Now, Cry Later], Pia Camil presents a selection of drawings as her first autobiographical exhibition.

As Gabriela Jauregui, author and friend of the artist, writes about this body of work, “What happens when this space, a space of clarity of thought, an expressive space, which Vivian Gornick describes as a shimmering rectangle, opens so wide it pours forth into being in the world? This is a personal process of thinking and coming into being, rather than a purely conceptual one. Porousness: there is risk, there is gut, and vulnerability. Boxes of pleasure. And pain.”

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